Objects of necessity
100 Urban Trends: A Glossary of Ideas from the BMW Guggenheim Lab
The architecture of necessity is design conducted by everyday citizens in response to individual or collective needs and site-
Colored B&W TV (Caribe)
Objects of necessity at Mondes Electriques
The Espace Fondation EDF spotlights the so-called simplicity of electric energy through an original exhibition open to the
Architecture of Necessity at Yerba Buena Center
YERBA BUENA CENTER OF ARTS Scaffolds are only rarely independent structures: conversation on the temporal landscape (Screening
Urban objects
Havana – Marzo – 2012
Chairs and benches – Havana, 2012
Marianao – March, 2012 – Born out of necessity born out of necessity photo from
San Francisco #156, 2006 – 2012
Lawton, Ciudad de la Habana left: San Francisco #156, 2006 right: San Francisco #156, 2012
Santa Felicia esq. Fabrica, Luyano
Moral Modulor 2012 – Centro Habana
Moral Modulor 2012 – Centro Habana
Salud # 833, Centro Habana
left: Salud #833, Centro Habana, 1999 right: Salud #833, Centro Habana, 2012
Bisociation Tool – Victor Papanek’s “Paper Computer”
BISOCIATION TOOL Teemu Leinonen, Media Lab UIAH & Janne Mikkonen
Habana Vieja 2012
Célula habitable, Lawton, 2012
Célula habitable construida con “Euphorbia trigona” y una puerta de aluminio
Luyano – Marzo – 2012
Alamar – Marzo – 2012
Arquitectura de Necesidad en Hablandodeespacio
Hoy en "Habalndo de Espacio" y para hablar, entre otros temas de: "arquitectura de la necesidad" estará como invitado Ernesto